Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?
There are a lot of different views on how we can solve this problem. On the one hand, some people believe that we need to provide more serious punishment for persons who commit the first crime. Whereas, on the other hand, the other part of our society has an absolutely different opinion as this first punishment should be not so hard. We will try to consider both sides of this highly important question below.
Firstly, I think that it is highly valuable to emphasize that I am totally sure that we need to punish these people who did any sort of crime. Obviously, the level of punishment should be related to the level of the crime. From my perspective, with this approach, they should realize much faster that their behavior was absolutely incorrect and they should consider another framework to build their relationships with society. Moreover, it is clear to me that our evolution works in a similar way and all creatures around us learn exactly through punishment. As a result, I believe that it is not necessary to discover some new methods because we already have one which works well.
Secondly, from my point of view, it is not the right decision to punish persons who did something unacceptable with any compromises. I think that this method would not work because the person will not learn anything after the polite reaction tohis or her inappropriate behavior. It is also important to mention that it might be also a destroyable lesson for the other part of our society. To illustrate, he/she made a crime and the government forgave this for it and I also can commit a similar crime.
In conclusion, I want to mention that our punishment system should be based on the methods which show the results with flying colors. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that we need to do it in relation to our humanity and ethics as we are not tyrants, but we want to live in a better society.