Verified Tutor
Confirmed during a personal interview:
Proof of educational background
Proof of experience and necessary skills
Efficiency and high performance
Free trial lesson
Confirmed during a personal interview:
Proof of educational background
Proof of experience and necessary skills
Efficiency and high performance
Pay attention to the slots available in the tutor's calendar for a free trial lesson The information about the available time slots may change every hour in real time. That is why you have to discuss the exact time with a tutor
Навчу математики з нуля! Працюю з різними віковими категоріями, підготовка до різних іспитів і т.п.
250 UAH per hour
The posted reviews came from students registered on the website, who actually used the tutor's educational services.
Mathematics, 11 grade
Packages of private classes
Lesson duration:
Advanced level
До рівнів підвищеної складності входять:- Підготовка до ДПА/ЗНО та олімпіад- Спеціалізовані та університетські курси- Вступ за кордон
8 lessons/package
2944 ₴
368 ₴
per class
12 lessons/package
4176 ₴
348 ₴
per class
24 lessons/package
8016 ₴
334 ₴
per class
48 lessons/package
15264 ₴
318 ₴
per class
96 lessons/package
25728 ₴
268 ₴
per class
We guarantee security of both payment and personal information of our client
One lesson package can be split between two or more subjects or family members
Refunds can be made within 14 days from the date of payment. Purchased classes have an expiration date
The possibility to change a teacher whenever you wish
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