Ksenia M.
I’m 23 y.o. My teacher’s methods depend on your English skills! I’ll improve your English!
I’m 23 y.o. My teacher’s methods depend on your English skills! I’ll improve your English!
I have a diploma! My methods depends on your English skills! I can teach kids, adults! because everyone, even the smartest and brightest, needs help sometimes, I want to offer my experiences and advice whenever possible. In high school, my successes in academics and extracurricular activities attracted motivated underclassmen and peers to ask "What did you do to perform well?" Truly, it is impossible to simply replicate someone else's approach to studying or doing anything because each individual is unique. My strongest asset has always been my personalized advice and empathy towards others that allows me to find the best solution for them.
Now, as an undergraduate student at IGGU University, I'm most passionate about the subjects of English. As a tutor, my goal is to untangle any academic problem we encounter together and build a connection with you (the student) at the same time.
Тут зображені години, у які репетитор має можливість займатися з новими учнями. Інформація про вільні години в реальних умовах може змінюватися кожної години. Тому точні години треба уточнювати з репетитором
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