Work on your terms

Make money from
tutoring with BUKI

Check out how much you can earn:


400 UAH per hour

Classes per week

  • Applications every


  • Found tutors on BUKI:


  • Lessons already held with BUKI:


  • Subjects on the platform:


How it works

  • 1. Create tutor profile

    1. Create tutor profile

    Fill in all the fields in the profile, and specify subjects and teaching advantages as much as possible.

  • 2. Accept applications from students

    2. Accept applications from students

    Get applications from students and arrange a date for the first lesson according to your schedule

  • 3. Pay the application fee after you have started your work with the student

    3. Pay the application fee after you have started your work with the student

    Make a one-time payment equal to the weekly income or at least 2 classes only if you have agreed with the student to cooperate

  • Work on your terms

    57895 students use our platform all over Ukraine. Study with them on a convenient schedule, online/your place/student's place using your own methodology. Negotiate the terms of cooperation with the student only.

  • Set and change your rate

    Choose the rate you prefer

  • Develop your tutor profile

    Your BUKI profile is your business card and professional portfolio. Make a video presentation, blog expert articles, and get feedback from your students

  • For students, tutoring with BUKI is a great way to earn extra money.

    Specify the subjects you can teach and your preferences. Fill in all fields to increase your ranking.

  • For experienced teachers, this is an opportunity to delegate the search of students and focus on what you love to do - teach!

    Specify the subjects you can teach and your preferences. Fill in all fields to increase your ranking.

Our support team will guide you all the way

We strive to support registered tutors on BUKI. If you need help, our support team can help you with the terms of cooperation, your personal account, and other details.

What tutors are saying about us

Join the largest community of 55,521 tutors

  • Christina

    «I have been using BUKI to find new students for 3 years. The first application was received the day after registration. Pleasantly surprised by managers and back-office. You can blog, upload a video presentation and specify a schedule.»

  • Marcian

    «I have been working with the company "Buki" for more than six years. I have been actively blogging for the promotion of learning English. I had cecommended the site to friends-tutors, they are also satisfied. It is one of the best services in Ukraine and abroad.»

  • Iryna

    I registered as a tutor on several sites, but the best communication, understanding and working atmosphere is only at BUKI. The company helps me to quickly recruit students for both individual and group classes. I recommend this service to tutors.

  • Which subject do you consider yourself a strong tutor in?

We are trusted by teachers!

The average rating of 100+ reviews on the independent platform is 4.5

If you have any questions

  • How do I start earning with the platform?

    Create a free account, provide key information (subjects, skills levels, and locations) and wait for your profile to be published. Tutor registration is completely free and only takes 10 minutes. Your account will be active within 36 hours and then you will have access to applications.
  • Can I become a tutor?

    Everyone is welcome to become a registered BUKI tutor. If you think you have enough knowledge and you believe you can help others with your knowledge, register now. Tutors must be over 18 years old.
  • Where should I take the class? Online or in person?

    Our platform offers students looking for both online and live tutoring. Choose which option suits you on a personalized basis or choose one of the options to provide services as your primary option and tutor your clients wherever it suits you.
  • How can BUKI help me find new students?

    Every month more than 200,000 people use the BUKI platform to find a personal tutor. Signing up as a tutor on BUKI means being in front of tens of thousands of customers looking for a tutor. We optimize our platform daily, making it even more visited and significantly investing in marketing, which results in steady customer growth for all registered tutors.
  • How will I be paid for the classes I teach?

    The client pays directly to you in a way that is convenient for both parties.
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