Tutors - Pryluky

Online classes

Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Tutor - Tatiana T.

Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Tatiana T.

5.0 (reviews: 28)
5reviews: 28

250 UAH per hour

Ukrainian language and literature

Education: Ніжинський державний педагогічний інститут ім. М. В. Гоголя

Experience: over 20 years

Учитель украинского языка и литературы, преподаю больше 20 лет.

250 UAH per hour

free of charge


Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Tutor - Oleksіi S.

Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Oleksіi S.

5.0 (reviews: 1)
5reviews: 1

350 UAH per hour


Education: Університет Брауна

Experience: over 3 years

350 UAH per hour

free of charge


Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Tutor - Alona R.

Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Alona R.

5.0 (reviews: 27)
5reviews: 27

268-368 UAH per hour


Education: State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University"

Experience: over 20 years

268-368 UAH per hour

Advanced level 288-398 ₴

Advanced levels:

  • Preparation for ZNO/EMI and Olympiads
  • Specialized and university courses
  • Studying abroad

Free trial lesson


Tutor - Valierii P.

Valierii P.

4.9 (reviews: 5)
4.9reviews: 5

150 UAH per hour


Education: Nizhyn State University named after Gogol

Experience: over 20 years

150 UAH per hour

free of charge


Tutor - Irina Y.

Irina Y.

4.8 (reviews: 8)
4.8reviews: 8

150 UAH per hour

MathematicsUkrainian language and literaturePreparation to schoolJunior classesCalligraphyMore

Education: Ніжинський державний педагогічний університет

Experience: more than 10 years

150 UAH per hour

free of charge


Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Tutor - Tatiana D.

Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Tatiana D.

5.0 (reviews: 24)
5reviews: 24

268-368 UAH per hour


Education: H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Experience: more than 10 years

268-368 UAH per hour

Advanced level 288-398 ₴

Advanced levels:

  • Preparation for ZNO/EMI and Olympiads
  • Specialized and university courses
  • Studying abroad

Free trial lesson


300 UAH per hour

Ukrainian language and literatureEnglishPsychologist

Education: Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Experience: over 5 years


300 UAH per hour

free of charge


Tutor - Oksana B.

Oksana B.

5.0 (reviews: 1)
5reviews: 1

150 UAH per hour


Education: Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Experience: less than 1 year

150 UAH per hour

free of charge


Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Tutor - Oksana P.

Verified Tutor

The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

Oksana P.

5.0 (reviews: 23)
5reviews: 23

288-398 UAH per hour


Education: University of East Anglia

Experience: over 3 years

288-398 UAH per hour

Advanced level 288-398 ₴

Advanced levels:

    Free trial lesson


    150 UAH per hour

    Ukrainian language and literaturePreparation to school


    Experience: less than 1 year

    150 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    200 UAH per hour

    Junior classes

    Education: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

    Experience: over 3 years

    Tutor of English language and primary classes. I prepare your children for school, help them master subjects. I have experience in teaching and working with children. I am learning and always ready for something new My name is Kateryna. I am 24 years old. Studied at the Pedagogical College, graduated from Kyiv University named after Borys Grinchenko. I have a bachelor's degree majoring in elementary education with an additional qualification as an English teacher and a master's degree. I work in a school and ac...

    200 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    Verified Tutor

    The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

    Tutor - Inna P.

    Verified Tutor

    The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

    Inna P.

    5.0 (reviews: 23)
    5reviews: 23

    268-368 UAH per hour


    Education: Zaporizhzhia National University

    Experience: more than 10 years

    268-368 UAH per hour

    Advanced level 288-398 ₴

    Advanced levels:

    • Preparation for ZNO/EMI and Olympiads
    • Specialized and university courses
    • Studying abroad

    Free trial lesson


    200 UAH per hour

    Ukrainian language and literatureEnglish

    Education: Nizhyn State University named after Gogol

    Experience: more than 10 years

    200 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    150 UAH per hour

    History of Ukraine

    Education: Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko

    Experience: over 5 years

    150 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    Tutor - Liudmyla P.

    Liudmyla P.

    5.0 (reviews: 18)
    5reviews: 18

    268-368 UAH per hour


    Education: Nizhyn State University named after Gogol

    Experience: more than 10 years

    268-368 UAH per hour

    Advanced level 288-398 ₴

    Advanced levels:

    • Preparation for ZNO/EMI and Olympiads
    • Specialized and university courses
    • Studying abroad

    Free trial lesson


    150 UAH per hour



    Experience: over 2 years

    150 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    150 UAH per hour

    Ukrainian language and literatureEnglish

    Education: Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

    Experience: less than 1 year

    150 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    Verified Tutor

    The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

    Tutor - Valentyn Y.

    Verified Tutor

    The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

    Valentyn Y.

    4.8 (reviews: 21)
    4.8reviews: 21

    288-398 UAH per hour


    Education: H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

    Experience: over 5 years

    288-398 UAH per hour

    Free trial lesson


    150 UAH per hour



    Experience: over 3 years

    150 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    500 UAH per hour


    Education: Nizhyn State University named after Gogol

    Experience: more than 10 years

    500 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    Verified Tutor

    The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

    Tutor - Irina P.

    Verified Tutor

    The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

    Irina P.

    5.0 (reviews: 20)
    5reviews: 20

    268-368 UAH per hour


    Education: National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya

    Experience: more than 10 years

    268-368 UAH per hour

    Advanced level 288-398 ₴

    Advanced levels:

    • Preparation for ZNO/EMI and Olympiads
    • Specialized and university courses
    • Studying abroad

    Free trial lesson


    Tutors of in Pryluky - main information

    ✅ Number of tutors:16
    ✅ Number of subjects:1
    ✅ Average price:200 UAH per hour
    ✅ The average rating of tutors:4.2
    ✅ Skype/online classes:


    ✅ The average experience:over 5 years
    ✅ Tutors' schedule:Mon-Sun, 8:00 - 21:00

    200 UAH per hour

    History of Ukraine

    Education: T.H. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv Colehium"

    Experience: more than 10 years

    200 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    200 UAH per hour

    Ukrainian language and literatureEnglish


    Experience: over 1 year

    200 UAH per hour

    free of charge


    Verified Tutor

    The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

    Tutor - Halyna B.

    Verified Tutor

    The tutor had a personal interview with a BUKI employee and confirmed his educational background, experience and level of qualification.

    Halyna B.

    4.9 (reviews: 19)
    4.9reviews: 19

    268-368 UAH per hour


    Education: The state institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky"

    Experience: over 20 years

    268-368 UAH per hour

    Advanced level 288-398 ₴

    Advanced levels:

    • Preparation for ZNO/EMI and Olympiads
    • Specialized and university courses
    • Studying abroad

    Free trial lesson


    Found 16 teacher profiles

    The average cost of classes in Pryluky - 200 UAH per hour

    The cost of lessons with a tutor in Pryluky by subject

    Mathematics150 UAH per hour
    Ukrainian language and literature200 UAH per hour
    English200 UAH per hour
    Preparation to school150 UAH per hour
    Junior classes200 UAH per hour

    Tutor Pryluky - tutor profiles and ratings. Tutoring services in Pryluky. Find your tutor in Pryluky in all city areas

    Tutor Pryluky - experienced teachers, reviews, tutoring profiles and ratings. Find your tutor in Pryluky with Buki in all areas