Catalan Tutors

Online classes

Tutor Catalan - Ihnasi P.

Ihnasi P.

5.0 (reviews: 2)
5reviews: 2

800 UAH per hour

Online lessons are available


Education: University of Zurich

Experience: over 3 years

Online lessons are available

🇺🇲Hello, my name is Ignasi. I am a native of the beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain. I volunteer at the Red Cross, helping Ukrainian refugees recently. I also do first aid and lifeguard. I am native in Spanish, and Catalan, and I have a C1 in English. My methodology is fun and interesting without ...


800 UAH per hour

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The average cost of classes in Catalan - 800 UAH per hour

Catalan Tutor

Catalan Tutor