Марина Л.
Hi everyone! So, you made the first step to change yourself, congratulations! I’m here to help you to understand the mechanism of your body.
Hi everyone! So, you made the first step to change yourself, congratulations! I’m here to help you to understand the mechanism of your body.
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Yes, I have an economy degree. But sport was always my passion. And feeling the body was in my blood. From 15 yo I started to train in gym by myself and at 18 I started to work in the gym.
To experience my body was taking a part in Woman’s Bikini competition.
My thinkings is: your body and your mind is directly connected. So working must be with both of them. You need to feel each muscles and be conscious when you are training.
I do usual exercises but with unusual technique. Totally different from what you heard or saw.
My biggest + is feeling not only my body and but also yours. Seeing through and taking care about your results.
I want you to learn and move forward without me at some point.
Тут зображені години, у які репетитор має можливість займатися з новими учнями. Інформація про вільні години в реальних умовах може змінюватися кожної години. Тому точні години треба уточнювати з репетитором
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