Левченко Т.
I have been teaching English for 7 years online.My students are adults and children. I would describe myself as a warm and caring teacher. I would like my students to become successful, The atmosphere in my classes is encouraging. I try my best to help students build their self-esteem and develop communication skills.
I have been teaching English for 7 years online.My students are adults and children. I would describe myself as a warm and caring teacher. I would like my students to become successful, The atmosphere in my classes is encouraging. I try my best to help students build their self-esteem and develop communication skills.
Деталі про досвід викладання:
Чуйний викладач, який допоможе вам розвинути такі навички як письмо, читання, сприйняття англійської на слух і, звичайно, усне спілкування.
Hi, there, I am Tatiana from Ukraine. I love my full name Tatiana, but you can call me Tanya. A few words about me. Firstly, my friends and people around me say I am happy, sunny, positive, young woman. I hope I can share this sunshine with you. Secondly, my hobbies are very important to me. Because they help me to stay positive, motivated and love life. So when I have free time, I dance, read, do facefitness, drink coffee with my friends, travel. I graduated from East-Ukrainian National Universty named after V. Dahl in 2007. I studied to be a translator of two foreign languages. In 2014 I became a full-time teacher. I have helped my students to pass exams, find new jobs at international companies, develop communication skills.
Тут зображені години, у які репетитор має можливість займатися з новими учнями. Інформація про вільні години в реальних умовах може змінюватися кожної години. Тому точні години треба уточнювати з репетитором
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