Репетитор - Інна Р. id: 169335

Інна Р.

500 грн/год
500 грн/год

Hello, Dear Students!)) I am Inna. I am an enthusiastic passionate teacher of English, and an open-minded, approachable, gregarious person, a tolerant, supportive, and compassionate citizen of the world whose life is like a never-ending research, exploration and discoveries.

Інна Р.

Hello, Dear Students!)) I am Inna. I am an enthusiastic passionate teacher of English, and an open-minded, approachable, gregarious person, a tolerant, supportive, and compassionate citizen of the world whose life is like a never-ending research, exploration and discoveries.


Англійська мова

Рівні викладання

Університетські курси
Розмовна мова
До співбесіди в посольстві
Рівень А1-А2 (Beginner, Elementary)
Рівень B1-B2 (Intermediate)
Репетитор для початківців
Ділова та бізнес мова
Вступ за кордон
Рівень C1-C2 (Advanced, Proficiency)
Підготовка до ЗНО для магістратури (ЄВІ, ЄФВВ)
Корпоративна англійська (для компаній)
Англійська для IT-спеціалістів

Деталі про досвід викладання:

The perks of choosing me as your tutor are immeasurable and they spread from individual approach as a top priority along with the main focus on communication. I always inspire my students by reminding them that the purpose of communication is not to make you sound perfect, without grammar or vocabulary mistakes but to share the ideas, to hear and to be heard, to understand and to be understood.

Місця занять

В учня:



Портовий, Митниця, Сєдова, 700-річчя, Район Д


Центр, Соснівка, Південно-західний, Хімселище

У викладача:
Черкаси, Соснівський, Соснівка, в. Одеська

Про себе:

I graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University in 2008 with Master;s Degree in Teaching English and immediately, I was offered the position of a teacher at the same university where I had previously studied. Thus I have been teaching English for more that 15 years. My experience of teaching Business English dates back to 2010 when I was offered a position of teacher in a Moscow Corporate English School where I started to dig deep into investigating the topic of Business English itself and how to teach it from Starter to Advanced Levels. I have been teaching representatives of various age groups, professions, cultural backgrounds, and nationalities, conducting online and offline classes, and working with individual students and teaching groups. My expertise incorporates not only General English and Business English but also teaching English for specific purposes such as Marketing, Management, HR, Medicine, Pharma, Finance, Legal English, IELTS preparation, Job Interview Prep., I have been teaching students from national and international companies such as Boeing, Cola, Vodafone, Life, City Bank, Bayer, etc. I have enjoyed multiple opportunities to visit and work in English-speaking countries, such as Ireland, England, the USA, Canada, and Australia. This precious, priceless and invaluable experience has made a sufficient contribution into my personal growth and professional development

Луганський національний університет ім. Шевченка (ЛНУ), магістр, 2008
більше 10 років


Розклад викладача

Тут зображені години, у які репетитор має можливість займатися з новими учнями. Інформація про вільні години в реальних умовах може змінюватися кожної години. Тому точні години треба уточнювати з репетитором

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Переглянуті репетитори

Інна І. id: 169335

Інна І.

Hello, Dear Students!)) I am Inna. I am an enthusiastic passionate teacher of English, and an open-minded, approachable, gregarious person, a tolerant, supportive, and compassionate citizen of the world whose life is like a never-ending research, exploration and discoveries.

500 грн/год

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