Репетитор - Alexandrie (Alex) K. id: 70971

Alexandrie (Alex) K.

250 грн/год
250 грн/год

I'll make it as brief as I can, I'd describe myself as passionate, student-focused, goal-oriented, vibrant, and spontaneous. I'm into fitness and glooming myself. Through my teaching experience, I can confidently say that I've gained patience and overcame my stage fear. Okay, enough with myself, I'd be glad to share the rest during the lessons 😉

Alexandrie (Alex) K.

I'll make it as brief as I can, I'd describe myself as passionate, student-focused, goal-oriented, vibrant, and spontaneous. I'm into fitness and glooming myself. Through my teaching experience, I can confidently say that I've gained patience and overcame my stage fear. Okay, enough with myself, I'd be glad to share the rest during the lessons 😉


Англійська мова

Рівні викладання

7-9-й класи
Підготовка до НМТ (ЗНО)
Підготовка до ДПА (9 клас)
Підготовка до олімпіад
Університетські курси
Підготовка до школи
Молодші класи 1-4
10-11-й класи
Репетитор для дітей
Розмовна мова
До співбесіди в посольстві
Рівень А1-А2 (Beginner, Elementary)
Рівень B1-B2 (Intermediate)
Репетитор для початківців
Ділова та бізнес мова
Вступ за кордон
Рівень C1-C2 (Advanced, Proficiency)
5-6-й класи
Підготовка до ДПА (4 клас)
Підготовка до ЗНО для магістратури (ЄВІ, ЄФВВ)
Корпоративна англійська (для компаній)

Деталі про досвід викладання:

First determine the student level, set objectives with students, and incorporate their requests into the lesson plan. It will all be practical, with zero dull moments.

Місця занять

В учня:
У викладача:

Про себе:

I'm an experienced ESL teacher, for almost 4 years now and I hold a 120 hours TESOL certificate. I work with students of all levels and age groups.

I tailor my lessons, toward meeting every student's needs or what works best for them because I believe every student has a need or requires a different approach in order to excel and achieve their objectives. I plan lessons based on the students' level and pace of learning and incorporate their requests. Therefore, lesson contents include all language learning skills (speaking, writing, listening, and reading), filled with fun activities ranging from quizzes, games, discussions, role plays, etc.
Learning is more than just nodding in agreement with what is being presented and theories, learning is practical. therefore, if you want to chat (upgrade your speaking skills), or perhaps you want to learn proper grammar, and pronunciation or you struggle with homework or preparing for an upcoming test/exam.

As a teacher/tutor, I try by all means to make the learning environment conducive and comfortable for everyone, assuring my students that there's room for mistakes and improvement.

To my potential students out there, I'm looking forward to seeing you in my lessons
And rocking this English adventure with you.

See yah🙂

Дніпропетровська медична академія (ДМА), студент, 2023
більше 1 року

Розклад викладача

Тут зображені години, у які репетитор має можливість займатися з новими учнями. Інформація про вільні години в реальних умовах може змінюватися кожної години. Тому точні години треба уточнювати з репетитором

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Переглянуті репетитори

Alexandrie (Alex) A.;

Alexandrie (Alex) A.

I'll make it as brief as I can, I'd describe myself as passionate, student-focused, goal-oriented, vibrant, and spontaneous. I'm into fitness and glooming myself. Through my teaching experience, I can confidently say that I've gained patience and overcame my stage fear. Okay, enough with myself, I'd be glad to share the rest during the lessons 😉

250 грн/год