Danny O.
My name is Eriom Daniel, I am an English native tutor from the United States but currently I am a medical student studying in Ukraine .
My name is Eriom Daniel, I am an English native tutor from the United States but currently I am a medical student studying in Ukraine .
Пасічна, Кант, Княгинин, Бам, Городок, Опришівці, Старе місто, Центр, Рінь, Микитинці, Угорники, Майзлі, Брати, Будівельників, Позитрон, Кішлак, Каскад, Крихівці, Калинова слобода, Гірка, Софіївка
My name is Daniel eriom , I am English native tutor with over 4 years of teaching English, I have taught both English online and offline dealing with children, teenagers and adults with different levels of English. I love teaching English as it allows me to not just share my knowledge of English with others, but also to help my students achieve their goals in learning a new language. As a tutor I understand it can be challenging to learn a new language as I also had to learn Ukrainian and also Portuguese. I am a patient, understanding and really kind tutor, who is willing to guide you through your journey in learning English.
Тут зображені години, у які репетитор має можливість займатися з новими учнями. Інформація про вільні години в реальних умовах може змінюватися кожної години. Тому точні години треба уточнювати з репетитором
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